Thursday 25 December 2014

Christmas Odyssey

Thanks to Jon & Chelsey for driving by and stopping late Christmas Eve to snap this picture, great shot!

Grama welcomes the newest little Eisses girl.

The growing Eisses boys.

Ev taking out the men one by one.

Problems in the woods, time to phone a friend.

Gator gal.

The breakdown allows us time to sit and watch creation.

Ice that grows like hair up from the mud.

Always green and never winter.

The perfect ice of a hidden pond.

Thick enough to trust.

Sunday 12 October 2014

Thanksgiving and Apple Sauce

Right where she belongs, the prairies with me.

Picking up rocks.

The wanna be farmers checking out the quality of the Canola seed.

Observing eyes of Nicholas

This is a family farm.

It is wonderful to have a wife! (Especially a beautiful one who makes delicious food)

How fitting that Susan Emilie follows in the foot steps of her namesake Great Grandma Emilie, and in the same house too.

What a lot of apple sauce, anybody want some?

Sunday 21 September 2014

Dry Island Buffalo Jump in the Fall

A shot upstream of the Buffalo Jump Park at the Hwy 590 River Crossing.

Saturday 6 September 2014

A New Roof

A successful day of replacing our roof, thank you friends and family for making it possible!